Monday 20 June 2011

SaD AnD lOnElY wAlLpApErS,,,,!!!

I thought it was easy to forget you...
and saying goodbye was enough...
but as the days passes seems that i am loving you's hard to stop this feelings of loving you...and i know you hurt me so much..but i can take all the risk..if its worth being loved by you again......

If I had to see you for the last time and see you never, I would take that chance and sleep forever.

sad and lonely

How can i move on, when im still in love with you.

Ah sorrow, I thought I was done with it for good about a year ago. but now I can tell its all just begun.

i see you with her knowing that it hurts you but i just smile and walk by. you never see how much you mean to me and how much it hurts me.

sad and lonely

sad and lonely

sometimes letting you go can be hard but not letting you leave hurts the most

sad and lonely

Holding your tears is same as holding your breath each moment you feel drowning into the sea.

sad and lonely

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